"I want you to do this with me for one month. One month. Write 10 observations a week and by the end of four weeks, you will have an answer. Because when someone writes about the rustic gutter and the water pouring through it onto the muddy grass, the real pours into the room. And it’s thrilling. We’re all enlivened by it. We don’t have to find more than the rustic gutter and the muddy grass and the pouring cold water." Marie Howe

07/22/2024; I saw five deer out the train window.

07/21/2024; The moon was pink last night. I played a game where I would stand in spots so the moon looked like it was perched on the telephone wires, like a pigeon.

07/20/2024; A green onion blooming in the garden: Scallionhope.

07/19/2024; There are five flowers blooming outside my window. The moon was so bright that I started seeing spots.

07/18/2024; There is one flower blooming outside my window.

07/16/2024; My bed hasn't been made for two weeks now.

07/15/2024; It was hot enough for me to feel my heartbeat.

07/14/2024; I woke up last night with a tight chest. I thought I saw something nondescript outside of my window, a floating spot.

07/10/2024; My computer screen & the lenses to my glasses are always dirty, smudged, normally imperceptibly (to me).

07/08/2024; I had an intense sense of déjà vu at school today. Then it felt like I had lived this day in a dream.

07/01/2024; Looked for deer out the train window & only found homeless camps.

06/25/2024; A burning feeling in the hands. A month is a long time & it’s not a long time at all.

06/19/2024; The telephone wires are different here, like Chūya's poem.

05/31/2024; The aching in my fingers feels deep, towards the bone, ebbing & flowing with my heartbeat.

05/30/2024; The rain was so soft that I thought the sound of it was wind.

05/30/2024; I held a washcloth over the bath & watched water drip from it. Some of the drips were steady and some were unsteady.

05/29/2024; A straw cast a shadow so dark & so clean over my hand that for a moment I thought it was drawn on with marker.